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We’re Taking The World To Jamaica

Well here’s the thing, Jamaica is the centre of our universe here at Funnybones. It’s where our parent company Grace Foods started 100 years ago, and it’s the soul of our business. So we live for a dollop of smokin’ hot jerk seasoning, we yearn for a plate of soft and pillowy Johnny Cakes and we sure do appreciate the national dish of Ackee and Saltfish.

But we are an international business, and we gotta a whole lotta love to share with all the foods we offer in our ranges. So, when our Development Chef Tom decided to go rogue for a recent board meeting, we were sooooo ready.

Tom doesn’t do things by halves. He went the whole nine yards. We’re talking fusion – Jamaican Fusion. And Tom really knows how to mix it up – you know what we’re sayin? He took it to the next level, and we reckon he’s on to something. 

It’s about bringin’ it home. Take that classic Prawn Cocktail and make that sauce extra crazy. Give that roast dinner a kick in the butt with a spadeful of jerk in your gravy and even your Yorkshires. And you won’t believe what he’s gone and done with Corned Beef. BOOM! This is one for the hall of fame. 

And there’s no stopping us now. We got fusion fever. Taking couscous to jerk school, pimping parsnips with guava, matching mango sweet chilli  with meringue. We’re obsessed with the whole Jamaican/ European vibe. Give it a go. We think your customers will love it too.

So come on Tom, tell us how you did it? …… 

He’s not giving much away. He’s going to let his food do the talking. 

Deep fried Corned beef dippers – Dice up your Corned Beef and bung it in a bag in the freezer. When good and cold, coat with Chicken Fry Seasoning and deep fry.  Serve up these meaty nuggets with Mango Sweet Chilli Sauce dip. Now we’re talking.

Roasted jerk asparagus – Ok, so now we’re going to give a little bite of ol’ England a spicy top coat of New World style. Toss your spears in oil and a little Jerk paste. Season and roast. Serve with a Mango n’ peas salsa and dip away. 

Hot and smoky Prawn Cocktail  – Give those juicy king prawns a kick with a slick of Mexican Adobe sauce. Add another spoonful to the Thousand Island Dressing and you’ve got yourself a Prawn Cocktail with attitude. 

Funday roast dinner – The Sunday roast but not how Mum used to make it. Jerk in the Yorkshires? Are you having a laugh? We’ve put it in the gravy too, rubbed it on the meat and seasoned the roasties with a sprinkle of jerk spices. Finally, we sweetened up those carrots and parsnips by rollin’ em in Guava jam. Now there’s some meaty goodness to write home about.Kingston Mess – We’ve taken the Eton out of the mess, and whooped it up in truly tropical style. Crunch up that meringue and take a blade to the Mango and Pineapple. Layer up with whipped cream (you could add some coconut cream if you’re so inclined) and drizzle with Sweet Mango Chilli Sauce.